Transforming Social & Health Care through innovative training, consultancy, and coaching

I combine professional expertise with lived experiance to help organisations navigate change, address unconscious bias, and foster trauma-informed leadership for lasting success.


Welcome , I am Amrik. 

I have worked in social care and mental wellbeing for over 30 years collaborating with a range of clients - individuals, children and youth services and local authorities across the country. 

Recently I have transitioned to freelance work to focus more on training, consultancy and 1:1 coaching to meet the demand for my services.

I focus on the following areas

I help and train people on how to effectively facilitate having challenging and difficult conversations that help change organisational culture. Change becomes transformational not transactional

I have a educational focus. I developed and have trained a holistic course that supports better conversations using a multi model approach that is trauma informed and includes motivational interviewing,  restorative practices and other therapeutic approaches 

I am dedicated to 1:1 Coaching that is designed to support professionals in over coming personal and professional challenges, helping them to reconnect with their purpose and self belief 

Let's work together to create real Change

Contact us directly .


Organisational Development Consulting Policy and Strategy Review Cultural Change Programs

Coaching & Mentoring

Executive and Leadership Coaching Personal Growth Coaching

Training Programes

Bespoke training Live and on-line training programmes * Trauma-Informed Leadership Training * Motivational Interviewing Techniques (MI) * Embodied Practices

Diversity Equality and Inclusion

Diversity & Unconscious Bias Training: "We had a genuine conversation about the race report, not just lip service. The training was engaging and provided new insights."( South West participants feedback 2023)